So, let's get started!
Kinda summed up here:
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Oh boy, is this ever me! XD |
Tell Me A Secret by the Willis Clan. And yes, I did like it!
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They don't even look remotely similar!!! |
I just finished The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. (did you know her full name is Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála "Emmuska" Orczy de Orci?!) It's one of my favourite books and rereading always helps me discover new things that I had missed in previous readings :-)
No, I don't. I probably should though! Currently, all the books I've read were ones found either in the library or the thrift store. Or were needed for school. Or were rereads. But yeah. No specific list.
Goodness, Faith, did you have to ask that question?! You just love finding the most torturous questions, dontcha? ;) Let's see - I really like WWII - but then there's Laura I. Wilder and the 1800's - and Ancient Rome - and basically the whole history of England - *throws up hands* It's impossible to choose a favourite historical time period! I'm a history lover.... I like 'em all!
I'm a 16 year old girl who loves Christ and my family, enjoys singing, photography, listening to music, baking, and analyzing, is rather quiet and not supremely talkative, loves curling up in a corner with a good book, values friendship, is sometimes quite the country mouse, loves writing and receiving letters, emails, and comments (hint, hint :P), adores babies, has a hard time choosing favourites, procrastinates, uses emoticons too much, and apparently also uses too many commas :P
('Course, Faith didn't say that it had to be a grammatically correct sentence, but I'm fairly certain that this is a run-on. XD)
Thank you for tagging me, Faith! :D
Now for the people I tag:
Victoria N. from Blessed Beyond Measure
Rebekah Morris from Rebekah's Reading Room
Miss March from Sunshiny Corner
Sarah from Trusting in the Lord
Sawyer from The Maretzki Family
Emma from A Lantern in Her Hand
I've taken a few of the questions Faith asked me just 'cause they're really interesting ;)
Anyhoo - your questions are:
1. What is your personality type?
2. What part of writing a blog post takes the longest for you? (writing, pictures, links, etc)
3. Your favourite song from this week?
4. Has spring arrived for you yet?
5. Tea and toast or a bowl of cereal for breakfast?
6. Favourite singer?
7. What is one of the wildest, most beautiful dream you've ever had? (can be either a daydream or a ... night dream. *crickets chirping* Is there such a thing as a night dream? )
8. Playing the piano or running outside with a cool summer's breeze blowing in your face?
9. Favourite author? (or if it'll make it easier, favourite book? ;)
10. Emails or letters?
11. Do you like collecting things? And if yes, what?
Great answers! I enjoyed reading them. :)
ReplyDelete"And then there's the editing and deleting and retyping and more get the point ;)" Hahaha. That sounds like me. I spend WAY too much time going over and over my posts, trying to get them JUST right. ;)
You watched the Scarlet Pimpernel! Isn't that such a fun movie? It's been a favorite of our family's for years. And you're right, they did an excellent job with the disguises. :)
Oh my goodness! Now THAT is a name! I never knew Baroness Orczy's full name, and I have a feeling I'm not going to remember it either. Haha. Too much to memorize! ;)
I like the description of yourself. It sounds a lot like me. I'm not extremely talkative, either. I analyze things (probably too much), love babies, love comments, have a hard time choosing favorites, am very good at procrastinating, love curling up with a good book...I guess I can relate to pretty much everything you said! (And yes, I've got that problem with using too many commas, too. Heehee. ;))
Thank you so much for tagging me. You came up with some fun questions, and I'm really looking forward to answering them!
And by the way, I love that verse from Philippians 4. I have it on my blog, too! :D
~Miss March
Thank you, Miss March! :)
DeleteHaha, yep, we’re the perfectionists ;)
YES, the Scarlet Pimpernel is absolutely amazing! I had only seen snippets before, but yesterday I watched the entire thing from beginning to end. It was so much fun and beautiful and awesome and oh-so-delightful! :D And it’s really quite clean too! :)
Oh really? *goes to your blog* You do have the same verse! That is so cool! :D
Can’t wait to see your post! :D
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ReplyDeleteI'll read the whole of your post later, but I thought it was funny that we have a very similar personality! I am also introverted and several of the other things you mentioned.
DeleteThat's amazing, Bethany! :) It's strangely funny how many people you meet through blogs that share the same personality ;)
DeleteAh, The Scarlet Pimpernel...yes, it's an awesome series. :) I did know how long her name was. Quite a mouthful, huh? ;) Aren't you glad we Americans (and Canadians) don't give our children all those names? Especially the hard-to-pronounce ones. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, have your read the whole series? How did you find the sequels? Did you like them?
DeleteHaha, yes. And no. MOST Americans and Canadians don't give their children hard-to-pronounce names. I've encountered a few people and it gets embarrassing at times when you have to ask more than twice how to pronounce their name. Or you don't ask at all and then you find out that you said it horribly wrong :P
YOU'RE INFP-T?? So am I!!! :D I love that first graphic for 'us' too. ;)
ReplyDeleteI haven't read/watched "The Scarlet Pimpernel", but it sounds interesting. :P
Ahh, yes. Smooth, flow-y pens are so lovely. ^_^
Hehe, aren't I awful to ask your favorite time period? ;) I love asking the tough questions. Mwahahaha!!
And a one sentence self-description... Honestly, I was expecting run-ons. XD
Thanks for filling out the tag, Blessing!!! :D I enjoyed reading your answers. :)
Hello fellow INFP-T! :D
DeleteOh, you should totally watch the Scarlet Pimpernel!! But I would suggest reading the book first because the movie gives away one of the best spoilers at the beginning ;)
*sobs* Yes, you were too awful ;) *shakes finger* XD
That's good you were expecting run-ons because honestly, who can give an accurate one sentence self-description WITHOUT making a run-on? :P
Thanks for tagging me, Faith! I enjoyed YOUR questions!! . . .
except that history one ;)
I had so much fun reading your answers, Blessing! :)
ReplyDeleteI loved that picture of the girl talking about Pluto. That is definitely me. ;) I know what I want to say in my head, but actually trying to tell someone is totally different. ;)
Thank you, Rebekah!
ReplyDeleteHaha, yeah, that picture is very relatable. . . unfortunately :P