Sunday, 13 December 2015

Days #267 - #286

November 22: Snow!! 

Okay, so quick flashback. I was looking at the first photo and wondered why it looked so familiar.
So I flipped through my photo library and found this (above) photo, taken in November 2014! :) Same person, same place, almost the same time; deja vu! ;)
November 23: Latin....
My big, fat Latin textbook crammed with tons and tons of
conjugations, declensions, rules, and all that other good stuff ;)
And resting atop Rilla of Ingleside ;)  

 November 24: Web Page 

November 25: This Week's Memory Verses
Going through the book of Romans as a family! Even Dare Devil is doing his part! :) We started
Chapter 2 a couple of weeks ago and Dare Devil is finishing up Chapter 1. :) 
November 26: A Little Driver
All he did was keep the wheel turned so that he went in circles. And more circles. And more circles.
That's about it! ;) 
November 27: Delicious Dessert

November 29: Our Little Cutie
December 1: Sewing Machine
This is actually a picture that Tiger Lily took on my camera. But this photo looked
so much better than the one I had originally taken for this day, so I used hers instead! :D 
December 2: Minion ..... Pendulum?!? 

The creativity of Tiger Lily's science experiment! 
December 3: Glow sticks 
Or light sabres in the boys' and Snow White's case! 
December 4: Cookies! 
Tiger Lily and I had three events to make cookies for, so we tripled our batch. We were so thankful
we hadn't decided to do four batches! The dough just barely fit into the bowl! One more batch and we
would have had it overflowing. But I think I can safely say this is the largest batch of cookies we've made so
far! :) 
December 5: Christmas Advent Calendar
A friend of ours sent us an Advent Calendar and it's been lots of fun! :) 
December 6: Frosted Leaves and Tree Decorating

Toblerone's first time decorating the tree! He had lots of fun, let me tell you!!!
 December 7: Dirty Chickens

I think they're worse than Maple now :P 

December 8: Snow Globe
Wish it was snowing here! Do you have any snow? 
December 9: Little Lamp
Snow White got a cute little lamp with a "flame" in it that flickers
soooo delightfully! :) 

December 11: A Doll Mask

My first attempt at a mask. What do you think? Scary, cool, interesting, weird? ;) 


  1. No snow here. :( In fact, it's raining and we went to church this morning in short sleeves! I heard it's supposed to be getting colder later this week. We'll see. It would be fun to have snow for Christmas, but that doesn't usually happen.

    That's quite a collection of pictures! I loved the tree decorating one. Little ones are so fun to watch when they get to hang ornaments on a tree.

    1. Wow! Short sleeves?!? Actually, the only Christmas I've ever had that didn't have snow was when we were in Singapore. So yeah, snow has been kind of a tradition! But it's starting to look like there's small chance of any snow this year! :(


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Oh, and as you all probably know, my family and I are under pseudonyms (you didn’t really think I had a brother named Spiderman or Ironman, did ya? We’re weird, but not 'that' weird! :P) If you do know our real names, please don’t say it in the comment box. Public safety stuff ;) Thanks!

Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8