Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sunday Songs | Let Your Kingdom Come

Here is another one of my favorite songs! What do you think?

Let Your Kingdom Come

Your glorious cause, O God, engages our hearts
May Jesus Christ be known wherever we are 
We ask not for ourselves, but for Your renown 
The cross has saved us so we pray 
Your kingdom come 

Let Your kingdom come 
Let Your will be done 
So that everyone might know Your Name 
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth 
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done 
Let Your kingdom come 

Give us Your strength, O God, and courage to speak 
Perform Your wondrous deedsthrough those who are weak 
Lord use us as You want, whatever the test 
By grace we’ll preach Your gospel 
Till our dying breath 

Credits:  Words and music by Bob Kauflin 
© 2006 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)


Heyy! I just wanted to let you know that my name has now been changed to Toblerone. I prefer this name over that other one Blessing Counter gave me. What was she thinking when she called me Double Trouble? I'm not trouble, I'm innocence itself! :)

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Christmas Crafts!

Christmas is getting close isn't it? I like starting Christmas "stuff" early. What about you?
Yesterday, I was helping my younger siblings with Christmas cards for their cousins and thought I'd showed you what we ended up with. :)

Craft supplies


Good job, Dare Devil!

His card wasn't actually a Christmas card for
anyone. But he just created his
own card and I think it looks really good!
Of course, Double Trouble just watched and ate
his cracker :)
Cinderella was hard at work making a card for her cousin.
Such concentration!

Cinderella also wanted to make her cousin's
doll, Julie, a Christmas card from her own doll Sara.
 So I helped her cut out a doll-sized card,
add a sticker, and voila!
This card was about a bit longer than my thumb!

Here is the back of the larger card. Cinderella
chose a verse and I wrote it out under the
manger she had created.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Monday Blessings

Here are more blessings!

Blessing #30: Doggy Friends

Blessing #31: Brownies!!!

Blessing #32: Streetlights. We don't see
many of them where we live!
Blessing #33: Beautiful morning sky
Blessing #34 A beautiful instrument: The Piano

The-Post-That-Was-Supposed-To-Be-A Saturday Randomness


This was supposed to be a Saturday Randomness post, but I forgot to put it together. Sorry! 

Here are some more random photos that I took over the week. 

I am so privileged to have such
CUTE brothers!
Yeah they are annoying sometimes...

But they're also really funny!

Hi Double Trouble!

I've been trying to take pictures of people's eyes and
started it out with DareDevil. He insisted that I
take a picture with his eyes closed first.  

After I had taken the picture, he opened his eyes
 and allowed me to snap a photo. I think it needs
to be a bit closer don't you think?

If you look closely into the eye, you can see me taking
the picture!

NOTE: When you play the piano, your fingers
should NOT be flat as a pancake as my very willing model
is doing right now. ;)

Interesting objects I found at our
piano teacher's house. 

And pretty ornaments that I found at our chiropractor's. 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! ;)

 Well, we've got snow…..and it's only the middle of November!!! Thankfully, we weren't hit as bad as Buffalo, NY. Apparently, they have six to seven feet of snow! Amazing but scary too!

Here are some pictures that I took earlier this week. We've got a lot more now, but I haven't had any time to take pictures of them yet.

Masterpiece by:
(and most likely) DareDevil 

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Sunday Songs | Behold Our God

Don't you think singing songs is a wonderful way to praise God? "Sunday Songs" posts will have one of my favorite Christian songs along with (hopefully) the tune of it!

Here's the first one.

Behold Our God

Who has held the oceans in His hands? 
Who has numbered every grain of sand? 
Kings and nations tremble at His voice 
All creation rises to rejoice 


Behold our God seated on His throne 
Come, let us adore Him 
Behold our King—nothing can compare 
Come, let us adore Him 

Who has given counsel to the Lord? 
Who can question any of His words? 
Who can teach the One who knows all things? 
Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds? 

Who has felt the nails upon His hands? 
Bearing all the guilt of sinful man 
God eternal, humbled to the grave 
Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign 


You will reign forever 
Let Your glory fill the earth 

Credits: Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge 
Sovereign Grace Worship

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Saturday Randomness

Hello! I hope you liked Tiger Lily's post. As you could probably tell, she's one of the clowns in this family. :) 

Here are some random photos I took this week. Enjoy!

This little dog was hilarious. Instead of walking normally on
 four legs, it hopped on its hind legs! My siblings were
laughing their heads off.  :)
I was trying to capture the clouds, but the pole and reflection
on the window kinda got in the way.
Remembrance Day
The following photos were taken after I had finally
discovered the amazing things shutter speed can
do to pictures! 

Which picture do you like the best? 

The lights are actually gas station signs,
streetlights, cars, etc.