Friday, 3 June 2016

Giveaways, Messages, and Randomness Galore!

Okay, that's a weird title. Sorry :P

So, to start it all of, Emily McConnell is hosting a give-away at her blog to celebrate 200 posts!!! Ahhhh....super exciting! :D If you haven't already entered, GO DO IT! Click HERE to enter.

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Last week, someone sent me a message labelled "A NOT Confusing Message". I dare you to try and make sense of this: 

THIS IS SOMEONE ELSE. NOT YOUR SISTER. I am saying that because if I say that i'm your sister you will think that it's obviously me because if i wasn't i wouldn't be saying that I wasn't. So since I said that I wasn't, you will now think that I AM your sister when really I am not. But of course you won't believe me because I said that I wasn't and no one says that they aren't something when they don't want you to know what they are. And of course this isn't incredibly confusing. One question to end this: Who am I? Signed, Not Your Sister

As Westley (#theprincessbride) said, "Truly, you have a dizzying intellect." ;P

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A little conversation at dinner a few days ago:
Tiger Lily (age 14): 2 + 2 is 3!
DareDevil (age 5):!!! 2 + 2 is 4!
Tiger Lily: Ohhhh....right
DareDevil: I'm so smart!

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Oh, and just a head's up, I'll be posting the first part of the story I wrote for the Writers Unite Contest this Monday! :D 


  1. I'll look forward to your story. :) And just sayin', I didn't send that message. I'd be too confused myself to compose such a thing. :)

  2. Thanks, Rebekah! Haha, I'm with you there! I was completely lost the first time I read it. Still am, actually ;)

  3. Very dizzying intellect. I'm still trying to decode it! ;P
    I've already read your story (IT WAS AMAZING!!!) but I'm looking forward to reading it again!! :)

  4. Hmm...interesting message. ;)

    That math 'problem' reminds me of something else... There was this boy at our old church that's in math honors class. He was bragging about it one day, and he's like "2 plus 2, 6." We were like "oh, really?" He's never been able to live it down. DD

    1. Oh, hehe, poor guy ;) That must've been funny! XD

  5. Heeeehehe I love your use of the Princess Bride quote! But that is such a strange letter ...

    1. Thanks, Hannah!'s a hobby of my sister to do strange things :P

  6. Haha. That note from "Not your sister" was great. Confusing, yes. But very funny. :) But now, I'm curious. WAS it your sister? Or was it actually someone else? :)

    "I'm so smart!" *chuckle* Little brothers are awesome! :D

    1. Haha, yeahhh.... :P I MIGHT have been very much confused as to who sent it if 1. My sister hadn't asked me if I got an email and 2. if we hadn't JUST watched Princess Bride ;)

      And YES, little brothers are SOOOO awesome! (and adorable too :D )


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! :)
I LOVE comments, so please do leave one! I will try and reply as soon as possible :D If you comment under Anonymous, please leave a name (it can be made up or real, your choice ;)
Oh, and as you all probably know, my family and I are under pseudonyms (you didn’t really think I had a brother named Spiderman or Ironman, did ya? We’re weird, but not 'that' weird! :P) If you do know our real names, please don’t say it in the comment box. Public safety stuff ;) Thanks!

Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8