Saturday, 6 August 2016

By the Book Tag

Hello everyone! How has your weekend been so far?

I was tagged by RebekahAshleigh for the By the Book Tag. Thank you so much, Rebekah! Just going to tell you now, I've been dying to do this tag and was SO excited when you tagged me for it :D

So, here we go!

What book is on your nightstand now? 
Well, I don't actually have a nightstand...but I do have a desk I use for school and a shelf on my loft bed. And I also keep books on my bed ;) Right now, I have my Bible, Code Red at the SuperMall, and The Beloved Land. In my bed, I have The Bad Beginning (The Series of Unfortunate Events), Through the Tunnel, and Gift from the Storm. 

What was the last truly great book you read? 
The last book that affected me the most (aka made me cry ;)) would have to be Stephen.

If you could meet any writer - dead or alive - who would it be? And what would you want to know? 
Goodness, how do I choose one? There are a lot of authors I'd like to meet. Excluding authors from the Bible, I would love to meet Louisa May Alcott, Rebekah Morris, Enid Blyton, and a few more that I can't remember now, but will probably come to mind later :P 
What would I want to know? Umm... what is their favourite book they've ever written; what was the inspiration for their books; when and why did they start writing; did the people around them influence their career of writing positively or negatively; what was the hope for their books and the people who read them; and a ton more. Keep in mind though, that if I were ever able to meet these authors, I'd be so excited, nervous, and shy that I'd probably forgot all my questions anyway xD 

What books might we be surprised to find on your shelves? 
Huh. I have no idea. I don't think I have extremely weird books on me at the moment :P I have Young Pioneers by Rose Wilder Lane. (It's one of the oldest books on my shelf; it was published in 1976 so it's . . . 40 years old! The cover and pages are yellowed and it's got a wonderful old-bookish smell and I found it at a book sale for 25 cents!!) But I don't think that would shock you and make you go "YOU HAVE THAT BOOK?! I DON'T KNOW THIS PERSON!!" xD Or maybe it would. You tell me ;) 

Oh, oh, oh, oh I think I know what would surprise you. I have If you Give a Pig a Pancake on my desk right now. It doesn't exactly count because it's not my book, it will be Toblerone's in a few days. Birthday present! But did that surprise you? Just a teensy weensy little bit? ;)

How do you organize your personal library? 
Well, to be honest, I don't have a specific way I organize my shelves. I WOULD do it by colour or alphabetical order, but at the moment, I have limited shelf space, so organization does not quite help in this case. It's basically the favourites from the books Tiger Lily and I have collected and fit in anyway possible into my shelves. I distribute small and large books throughout the shelf to cram as many books as possible inside ;)

What book have you always meant to read and haven’t gotten around yet? 
The Upstairs Room. I bought it awhile ago at a book sale, but haven't had the FEELING that it was quite time to read it yet.

Anything you feel embarrassed never to have read?, not really. And now I'll probably find a book that fits in this category :P Tell me a bunch of books that you think I should have read and I'll tell you if I've read 'em before! 

Disappointing, overrated, just not good: what book did you feel you are supposed to like but didn’t? 
Lord of the Rings. (Please don't hurt me, LOTR fans) I read through the trilogy once years ago, but wasn't able to enjoy it. Sorry.

Do you remember the last book you put down without finishing? 
The Princess Diaries. It was SO awful!

What kind of stories are you drawn to? Any you stay clear of? 
I'm drawn to a lot of different kinds of stories, to tell the truth. Biographies, fantasy, Christian romance, historical fiction, (some) mystery, whatever Anne of Green Gables is, and more books that I have no idea what genre they'd be put in exactly. It's probably easier to just state what I don't like :P 
The library shelves lined with night-black and dark red covers I steer clear of. Yes, I'm judging a book by its cover. But I think it's safe to do so this time. Horror, (most) sci-fi, comics, and anything else inappropriate for a Christian girl to be reading, I keep away from.  

If you could require the president (I'm gonna change it to Prime Minister ;)) to read one book, what would it be? 
The Bible! 

What do you plan to read next? 
Through the Tunnel! I picked it up a few days ago when I had a free minute to start reading it... but I got distracted by the cover and just looked at it. And then Tiger Lily came along and we started talking about it.

Me: Do you think this is a real person or a drawing?
Tiger Lily (who really only focuses on hair): She has a braid that's been bubbled. (you have to ask her what a bubble is if you don't know)
Me: Huh?
Tiger Lily: Oh look, I see the pin that's holding her hair together
Me: . . . .
But I would like to know, this IS an actual picture of a real person, right? 

I tag:

And here are the questions again to make it easier for copying =) 
What book is on your nightstand now? 
What was the last truly great book you read? 
If you could meet any writer - dead or alive - who would it be? And what would you want to know? 
What books might we be surprised to find on your shelves? 
How do you organize your personal library? 
What book have you always meant to read and haven’t gotten around yet? 
Anything you feel embarrassed never to have read? 
Disappointing, overrated, just not good: what book did you feel you are supposed to like but didn’t? 
Do you remember the last book you put down without finishing? 
What kind of stories are you drawn to? Any you stay clear of? 
If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be? 
What do you plan to read next? 

And that about wraps up this post! Hope you enjoyed it! Have you read any of the books before? 


  1. Thanks for doing the tag, Blessing! :D Oh, I’m so glad that you were really wanting to do it! :) I sure enjoyed reading your answers.
    You have a loft bed? That’s so cool! Those type of beds look really fun.
    I have never read the Triple Creek Ranch series, but they sound good. I’ll have to read them sometime.
    Okay yes, I would say I was just a bit surprised about “If You Give a Pig a Pancake”. ;) ;)
    Is “Young Pioneers” a good book?
    I would like to read “Through the Tunnel” sometime. I think the cover is really pretty too! :) I was kinda wondering if the picture on the front cover was of a real person or not too.

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! :)
      Yes, we've had our loft beds for quite a few years now. But yes, they're SO much fun! Kinda hot in the summer, since we're so high up; but still enjoyable ;)

      YES, you MUST read TCR!! It's sooooo good! :D

      'Young Pioneers' was pretty good. To be honest though, it sounds a lot like Rose Wilder was basing her story off her mother's own life. If you've read the Little House on the Prairie series, you'll know what I mean. Major events like grasshopper storms, moving west, ruined crops, and blizzards in spring/summer that are found in the LHOTP series are also found in 'Young Pioneers'. But I still enjoyed it; repetitive though it may be.
      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah! :)

  2. Ha! I had to laugh at the last part. I just did. :) And to answer your question, yes, it is a real photo of a girl from Russia. :)

    And, since you'd be too shy, nervous and whatever else you said if you were to meet me (I'm honored by the way!), send me your questions and I'll answer them in a blog post. How would that be? ;)

    If you want in on a slight secret, I cried when I was writing "Stephen." So did my mom. So, you're right in there with us.

    This was a very fun post to read.

    1. Oh, wow! I LOVE the photo; it's so pretty! :) Thank you for letting us know whether it was a picture or drawing. I think I can sleep at night now ;)

      YES, that's a good idea! Wonder I didn't think of that before :P Actually, I think I'll send you an email right now. . . There! Sent it :)

      Oh, you both did? Hehe, ok, glad I'm not alone there then :) But really, it was so emotional; I got all the feels reading it!

      Thank you, Rebekah!

  3. Such a fun tag! I actually just tagged you for this one on my blog, and so it's kind of funny that I go to comment and let you know and your latest post is that tag. :D

  4. OH MY GOODNESS. If You Give A Pig A Pancake. *laughs* I used to read those books when I was younger. Ahh, the memories. <3 <3 <3

    // katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. Haha, yes, aren't they awesome? ;D We've had 'If You Give A Mouse a Cookie' ever since I was little. My youngest brother seems especially hooked on it; so we decided to give this Pig-Pancake book a try. Might help vary what he asks us to read now :P


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! :)
I LOVE comments, so please do leave one! I will try and reply as soon as possible :D If you comment under Anonymous, please leave a name (it can be made up or real, your choice ;)
Oh, and as you all probably know, my family and I are under pseudonyms (you didn’t really think I had a brother named Spiderman or Ironman, did ya? We’re weird, but not 'that' weird! :P) If you do know our real names, please don’t say it in the comment box. Public safety stuff ;) Thanks!

Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8