Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Day #62 - #67

Friday, May 1: Reflections 

Saturday, May 2: Preparing for the transformation in Princess Diaries 

Sunday, May 3: Berry (?) Plant
We were driving to church and I thought that these . . . things were raspberries.
But when I took a closer look, I found out that they weren't, or anyway, if they were
they sure didn't look like it! So, yeah, we're not going to try eating these anytime soon! :P
Monday, May 4: Recent Readings
Have you read any of these books before? They're all pretty good!
Tuesday, May 5: In the car

Wednesday, May 6: The First Forget-Me-Not! :) 


  1. I like the top picture of the lamp. Very nicely done.


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! :)
I LOVE comments, so please do leave one! I will try and reply as soon as possible :D If you comment under Anonymous, please leave a name (it can be made up or real, your choice ;)
Oh, and as you all probably know, my family and I are under pseudonyms (you didn’t really think I had a brother named Spiderman or Ironman, did ya? We’re weird, but not 'that' weird! :P) If you do know our real names, please don’t say it in the comment box. Public safety stuff ;) Thanks!

Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8