Saturday, 29 November 2014

Christmas Crafts!

Christmas is getting close isn't it? I like starting Christmas "stuff" early. What about you?
Yesterday, I was helping my younger siblings with Christmas cards for their cousins and thought I'd showed you what we ended up with. :)

Craft supplies


Good job, Dare Devil!

His card wasn't actually a Christmas card for
anyone. But he just created his
own card and I think it looks really good!
Of course, Double Trouble just watched and ate
his cracker :)
Cinderella was hard at work making a card for her cousin.
Such concentration!

Cinderella also wanted to make her cousin's
doll, Julie, a Christmas card from her own doll Sara.
 So I helped her cut out a doll-sized card,
add a sticker, and voila!
This card was about a bit longer than my thumb!

Here is the back of the larger card. Cinderella
chose a verse and I wrote it out under the
manger she had created.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how fun. We used to make cards to take to nursing homes when we had a group from an old church who would go play music and sing. It was always so much fun.


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Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8