Thursday, 23 April 2015

Day #54 | Braces. . .

I finally got my braces on, along with Tiger Lily and Spiderman! To be honest, I really do not like them, but one way or another I'm going to have to start coping with them, especially since we'll be stuck with them for another 2 years or so. *sigh* 

I thought of taking a picture f all three of us with our braces on, but then decided against it. You'd see us smiling happily away, when really we were all moaning "Ow. . . my teeth hurt. . . ow. . . ow. . . stop taking pictures. . ." :P 

Please excuse the blurriness of the pictures. I have not quite mastered the art of taking pictures of oneself. :D 


  1. Oh, you poor things! Have you gotten used to them at all yet?

  2. :D Yes, we have gotten used to them! Thanks for asking, Rebekah! :D


Hi! Thanks for stopping by! :)
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Oh, and as you all probably know, my family and I are under pseudonyms (you didn’t really think I had a brother named Spiderman or Ironman, did ya? We’re weird, but not 'that' weird! :P) If you do know our real names, please don’t say it in the comment box. Public safety stuff ;) Thanks!

Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things
~ Philippians 4: 8